How I Told My Husband We Were Expecting Baby Number Two!

Some of you who have been following the blog for a while might already know, but our first, Wesley, was a big surprise. We were definitely not planning to start our family only one year into our marriage, but it happened, and it has been the most amazing, crazy, blessed journey ever! Becoming parents is just so special and when we started to talk about growing our family, we were both very excited.

Because Wesley was a huge surprise and not planned, I didn’t really do anything “cute” to tell Brian I was pregnant. I sort of just walked out of the bathroom when he got home from work with a very positive pregnancy test and a look of shock on my face. BUT this time, thanks to Pinterest and Instagram, I had seen so many cute ways to tell your husband you were expecting, and I thought it would be a fun way to celebrate this pregnancy if I could manage to pull it off!

Since we had never really “tried” to grow our family, I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect as far as tracking, waiting, etc. After a few months (which seems like an eternity to any couple TTC), I finally got a positive! I usually waited until Brian left for work in the morning to test, that way if I got a positive, I would have the whole day to plan out the surprise and could show him as soon as he got home!

But this month was different. I was within the window of possibly being able to see a positive if I was pregnant and I was feeling so impatient!! It was a Saturday evening and I told myself to wait until Sunday morning and just wake up early in case it happened to be positive, but I couldn’t wait! Around 7 PM (which is the wrong time to take a pregnancy test especially before your next cycle is even due, duh) I snuck into the bathroom while Brian and Wesley were watching a movie, and I took a test! Those three minutes waiting were agonizing and I thought for sure Brian would know I was up to something. Once the time was up, I looked at the little test strip, and there it was! The faintest, barely there, second pink line!!! I started tearing up instantly and knew I had to quickly get together the little project I had been planning to surprise Brian with since tomorrow was Sunday and I probably wouldn’t have enough time alone to put it together. I decided to keep the secret that whole night which was AGONIZING so that I could double check with another test in the morning. I wanted to make absolute sure because when you’re TTC your eyes can play tricks on you with those pink lines, and I wanted to take another test at the best possible time and make sure that pink line was really there.

So, I quickly grabbed a little wooden heart I had bought at Hobby Lobby and another tiny little heart. I glued the tiny heart to the bigger one, and above the little heart I wrote the words, “Roses are red, violets are blue. Inside of me beats two hearts for you.” I had been planning this surprise for a couple of months and this month just happened to be February which I thought was perfect for the little poem I had chosen! I was so excited and trying to go fast, so my handwriting was a little rough lol. I put it in a box and prayed that that little pink line was for real and would show up even better in the morning. Let’s just say I didn’t sleep great that night and I have no idea how I didn’t spoil the surprise to Brian!

In the morning, the pink line was darker and definitely there!!! I had woken up at 6 AM so I would have plenty of time before Brian woke up. Once I saw that very obvious positive, I couldn’t wait for him to wake up. I grabbed the box with the heart in it and woke him up! I set the box on his night stand and told him I had a present for him. He was soooo out of it because I apparently woke him up out of a deep slumber lol. He was so confused and just said “uh thanks?” when he saw it. Lol. I said, “do you get it??” And he still looked confused, so I said “Honey!! I’m pregnant!” He sat straight up and said, “You are?!” and gave me a huge hug. I instantly started sobbing (welcome pregnancy hormones lol). We just hugged and prayed for our little baby together.

It was so fun to create this little surprise reveal for Brian. It made it so special. But the best thing was seeing how happy he was when it finally dawned on him. There’s nothing better than growing your family with the person you love most. And we are beyond thankful to God for blessing us with this little one. So much anxiety can go into growing your family, being pregnant, and having babies, but God has shown us time and time again how perfect his timing is. He has shown us through both of our babies how he has gone before us and made a way for us. We can’t wait to welcome little Lincoln James in 15 weeks Lord willing!!!

Deuteronomy 31:8 “It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”


Just doing my best to raise a small human and drinking lots of coffee!

4 thoughts on “How I Told My Husband We Were Expecting Baby Number Two!

  1. You and Brian are awesome parents and I know Lincoln James will be treasured and welcomed with great love. I’m so happy for you guys!!!


  2. That’s such a precious story! I’m so excited for you both! I love following your posts, you have such a beautiful style of writing. One can tell it comes straight from your heart! 💕
    I’m in Texas indefinitely visiting Carolyn and family. I hope I have the opportunity to meet you and
    Wesley. And, it’s been a very long time since I’ve seen Brian. He and my oldest son, Scotty, used to dig for “dinosaur bones” in my Mom and Dad’s backyard when they were just little tots! So cute!
    Take care & much love ~~~ Auntie Teesa


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